Visiting Sorors and Reclamation



Greetings Sorors!

Members are vital to the success of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. programs and services we provide AND to our ability to remain relevant and impactful in the communities we serve.  One of the primary objectives of the Denton County Alumnae Chapter's Membership Services Committee is to provide programs, services, and activities to reclaim, retain and rejuvenate our membership!  We are here to have fun, as well as, do the business of Delta!


Chapter Meeting Information

3rd Saturday of Each Month month (Sept. – May)
Start Time: 10:00 a.m. 
Location: Contact DCA for meeting location

Meetings for the Denton County Alumnae Alumnae Chapter are only open to members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in good standing.  

Please complete the DCAC Visiting Sorors Form at least 3 days prior to attending the Chapter meeting. Proof of membership is required and must be verified before admittance into a Chapter meeting.

If attending in person, visiting Sorors must be prepared to present their membership cards or credentials and photo identification to the DCA Sergeant-At-Arms upon arrival.  First-time visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow time for verification of credentials.

Be advised that business attire is required for every chapter meeting.

Individuals seeking membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will NOT be admitted into the chapter meeting.